Lip Oklahoma Sooners girl shirt
Lip Oklahoma Sooners girl shirt and picked a profession that traditionally is linked to low pay and you want me to feel sorry for you because of that? Really? We teachers here have become so accustomed to it and to have to defend ourselves, seeing people actually stick up for teachers here was shocking to me. To all these people saying that teachers should have picked a different career: you ought to be ashamed of yourselves for not having a little more respect for the people who educate and help mold your children. If you’re not willing to pay for a qualified teacher with a college degree and a number of added training, perhaps you should just hire a babysitter and ask her to teach your kids. I bet that would work out just fine considering that you clearly don’t value education.

Buy this shirt: Lip Oklahoma Sooners girl shirt
Lip Oklahoma Sooners girl shirt

Buy this shirt: Lip Oklahoma Sooners girl shirt
Lip Oklahoma Sooners girl shirt
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