You can’t scare me I’m a teacher shirt
In the You can’t scare me I’m a teacher shirt and scare the crap out of you and therefore imprint an absolute fear and dread for anything mathematical for the rest of your adult life. If your maths teacher didn’t horrify you and zap any joy out of the subject you are incredibly lucky. Many people misunderstand that Chinese is good at maths because they are forced to do so. Indeed, Many of them are good at it because they love it. Just look at you and I see the sheer joy of doing something that makes you feel really good, which I have never experienced with mathematics.

Buy this shirt: You can’t scare me I’m a teacher shirt
ỏ: You can’t scare me I’m a teacher shirt

Buy this shirt: You can’t scare me I’m a teacher shirt
ỏ: You can’t scare me I’m a teacher shirt
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