I vant to suck your boob shirt
I vant to suck your boob shirt and I must admit I can’t see how the goat would enjoy it, but we all do silly things when we’re playing with our pets not intending hurt. I’m sure this little chap gets lots of love too. I’m sure not many will see this, but I’m wanting to do something special for his birthday day for my husband. All I ask is you take a couple of minutes to write this down with your location, take a picture and send it to me. I just want to make this super special. If you do this for me I will appreciate it forever, and if you decide you want to do this I’ll be happy to help. If you think it’s dumb, please keep your comments to yourself.

Buy this shirt: I vant to suck your boob shirt
I vant to suck your boob shirt

Buy this shirt: I vant to suck your boob shirt
I vant to suck your boob shirt
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