Mess with my kids you’ll get jurasskicked by mamasaurus shirt

Why don’t all you people stop judging all of Mess with my kids you’ll get jurasskicked by mamasaurus shirt and just appreciate the creativity of it and how much your child if you even have one would appreciate a theme like this it makes me sick seeing all the complaints about something that a kid who loves dinos would absolutely go crazy for regardless of cake perfection, boiled eggs, sparklers, and anything else you guys found to complain about, Jesus Christ please just get a life. We had a dino party and I made these paper mache eggs for party favors. Kids had fun cracking it open. I don’t think the cake with all the incense sticks popping out of it is really safe for children to eat. They’re sparklers.
Mess With My Kids You'll Get Jurasskicked By Mamasaurus Shirt

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Mess with my kids you’ll get jurasskicked by mamasaurus shirt


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