Eeyore I’m not arguing I’m explaining why I’m right shirt

I’m an Eeyore I’m not arguing I’m explaining why I’m right shirt and several times a small glisten came to my eye watching. Some wonderful lines and pertinent to an old chap like me. How do I pause it to pin it? I tried and thought I got it but it didn’t stop there? Is it supposed to work? I love that they chose to go with the original character designs more closely based on the original books. Not that I don’t like the Disney animated versions. But I love the classic looking characters as well. I’ll prob watch it anyways just to come into work the next day and annoy you singing Winnie the pooh over and over.
Eeyore I'm Not Arguing I'm Explaining Why I'm Right Shirt

Buy this shirt: Eeyore I’m not arguing I’m explaining why I’m right shirt
Eeyore I’m not arguing I’m explaining why I’m right shirt


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