I’m the big sister no question no argument we’ll just do things my way shirt
What is this child doing in the I’m the big sister no question no argument we’ll just do things my way shirt? Where in the world is this happening? Not real and very not cute! Love the stories! My son was convinced I was having a baby monkey and was really disappointed when it wasn’t. Yep, my son packed all the baby brothers stuff and sat it by the door then told me to take him back he cries too much! Angela Langer he may want to send him back now but later let anyone mess with his little brother and he will be whipping someone’s ass! Angela Langer my son was 3 when we brought his baby brother home, then he told me to go back to the hospital and put him back in my belly.

Buy this shirt: I’m the big sister no question no argument we’ll just do things my way shirt
I’m the big sister no question no argument we’ll just do things my way shirt

Buy this shirt: I’m the big sister no question no argument we’ll just do things my way shirt
I’m the big sister no question no argument we’ll just do things my way shirt
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