Not to be rude but I really don’t care at all not even a bit shirt
Atlanta homeless people are bold of Not to be rude but I really don’t care at all not even a bit shirt. I was going into a Jamaican restaurant downtown and this homeless guy asked me to buy him something to eat. As soon as I said yes, he said he wanted oxtails and two sides. I told him I wasn’t about to spend oxtail money on myself, so I definitely wasn’t for someone else, and he got mad. Like a sir, you gon eat this jerk chicken just like I am or you gon still be hungry. Stacy Mae August I used to intern at Welcome House, which provides transitional housing for the homeless. Used to hand out food and toiletries to the homeless on the weekends, when I was in undergrad. Still, buy food for the homeless whenever I feel led to.

Buy this shirt: Not to be rude but I really don’t care at all not even a bit shirt
If cussing in front of my kid makes me a bad parent shirt

Buy this shirt: Not to be rude but I really don’t care at all not even a bit shirt
If cussing in front of my kid makes me a bad parent shirt
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