November 1965 53 years of being sunshine mixed with a little hurricane shirt

November 1965 53 years of being sunshine mixed with a little hurricane shirt. Look at eastern North Carolina we moved back in 1999 because of too many hurricanes and floods. The so-called 100-year storms are coming every year now. Sadly the warmer the ocean gets the more of these we will have. Climate is very real. So sorry to those in its way. God has control of this weather, the weatherman can only make predictions for the forecast based on what they see off the radar. Prayers for all families that were affected by Hurricane Michael in Florida and all other areas where it is expected to make landfall. Darryl King, where did you hear that news? The mayor that was caught and arrested was from another town.

November 1965 53 Years Of Being Sunshine Mixed With A Little Hurricane Shirt
Buy this shirt: November 1965 53 years of being sunshine mixed with a little hurricane shirt
 November 1965 53 years of being sunshine mixed with a little hurricane shirt


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