Someone out there loves you heart not me I think you’re a cunt shirt

Someone out there loves you heart not me I think you’re a cunt shirt. Doesn’t matter how much you do for them. They will behave for who they are. We should always be respectable and givers to those who deserve it. For sure we don’t owe them anything. This is all very true! But there are times I don’t think of this!! I know God will take care of me and that is all that matters!! I do the best I can! Only thing I don’t agree with is the priority. My first priority, and any mother’s really, is my child, not myself and I owe him a good life love and support because I brought him into this world. Everything else.
Someone Out There Loves You Heart Not Me I Think You're A Cunt Shirt

Buy this shirt: Someone out there loves you heart not me I think you’re a cunt shirt
Someone out there loves you heart not me I think you’re a cunt shirt


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