I’m a simple woman I like sunshine coffee and dogs shirt

I’m a simple woman I like sunshine coffee and dogs shirt. Fill half the mug with whiskey. Pour in the coffee. Don’t bother with sugar, sure whiskey is made with sugar. Don’t bother with the cream, its bad for you. You don’t really need the coffee either as it fecks up the taste of the whiskey. Every time we had Irish coffee in an English restaurant. They seemed to cock it all up and it makes my dad furious. That’s was 25 years ago. Every time my sister and I go out, we dare suggest ordering Irish coffee with the family. You should not put the sugar in until the hot coffee is in the glass. The sugar crystallizes if added to the whiskey.
I'm A Simple Woman I Like Sunshine Coffee And Dogs Shirt

Buy this shirt: I’m a simple woman I like sunshine coffee and dogs shirt
Home: http://shoppoingshirt.over-blog.com/2018/08/i-m-a-simple-woman-i-like-sunshine-coffee-and-dogs-shirt.html
Click:  https://www.gearbubble.com/im-simple-woman-like-shirt


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