I’m a little smart ass short and stout here is finger shirt

Money doesn’t negate the I’m a little smart ass short and stout here is finger shirt and still puts the hours in at the gym. Plenty of celebs have the money to look amazing and yet they are overweight. Look at Jonah hill he struggles. But according to you all, he shouldn’t have any issue cause he has the money. Stop taking away the hard work and dedication these people have because they have money! It may make it convenient but no amount of money in the world can buy you willpower or work ethic First she is rich and can afford a nutritionist and a full-time personal trainer and a cook and no need to work a full-time day job like most people.
I'm A Little Smart Ass Short And Stout Here Is Finger Shirt

Buy this shirt: I’m a little smart ass short and stout here is finger shirt
I’m a little smart ass short and stout here is finger shirt


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