
Showing posts from August, 2018

But first let’s drink shirt

The But first let’s drink shirt of them will be commenting off points on some of the posts leaving the content of the post. I stopped watching Nigerian movies when a person fell in a hospital and the doctor told the nurse to call an ambulance. Good cooperation, Good coordination, Natural acting, Everybody enjoys climax, Lots of love, Always a very happy ending for all characters, And the best part, No matter which point you start watching, You will understand the story. Buy this shirt:  But first let’s drink shirt But first let’s drink shirt

Sometimes your knight in shining armor turns out to be man shirt

Sometimes your knight in shining armor turns out to be man shirt. I know God placed him in my path for a reason. He fixed and warmed my heart using love and I replaced his tin foil with steel. At least the idiot in the tin foil will be there when you need him. And that knight is usually out there trying to win other crusades. If a Knight’s armor is shining it may be because he’s never been tested. Don’t overlook the ones who’s armor is a little banged up. They are the ones you know will fight for what they love. Don’t need a knight in shining armor just someone with a reasonable level of intelligence. Buy this shirt:  Sometimes your knight in shining armor turns out to be man shirt Sometimes your knight in shining armor turns out to be man shirt

Coffee right meow shirt

As the parent of Coffee right meow shirt, we will not be able to enjoy Starbucks drinks. Straws are essential for many persons with low-tone. Starbucks always tries so hard to be fashionably correct politically until it ultimately bites them in the butt. Stop being something you’re not. You sell coffee. Stop trying to be the cultural mouthpiece of America. Sounds like a win-win for Starbucks and the environment to me. And why should environmentalism be strictly a liberal cause? Right wingers have to live on this planet also. The less plastic waste we use the better. Not about cost, it’s about helping the environment. Plastic straws are one of the biggest dangers to marine life and they don’t break down due to their plastic composition. Buy this shirt:  Coffee right meow shirt Coffee right meow shirt

 Lip Oklahoma Sooners girl shirt

Lip Oklahoma Sooners girl shirt and picked a profession that traditionally is linked to low pay and you want me to feel sorry for you because of that? Really? We teachers here have become so accustomed to it and to have to defend ourselves, seeing people actually stick up for teachers here was shocking to me.   To all these people saying that teachers should have picked a different career: you ought to be ashamed of yourselves for not having a little more respect for the people who educate and help mold your children. If you’re not willing to pay for a qualified teacher with a college degree and a number of added training, perhaps you should just hire a babysitter and ask her to teach your kids. I bet that would work out just fine considering that you clearly don’t value education. Buy this shirt:  Lip Oklahoma Sooners girl shirt   Lip Oklahoma Sooners girl shirt

Official part mama bear protective part mama llama calm shirt

Cade’s cove is part of the Official part mama bear protective part mama llama calm shirt. There is no hunting allowed anywhere in the park. And trust me the rangers are watching. This mama and her babies should be safe. Come and enjoy driving the loop. Just remember, if you get to see some bears stay in your car and enjoy watching them. If you happen to be out hiking give them at least 3 bus lengths. Never, never feed or approach them because you are signing their death warrant!!! Cade’s Cove is not a zoo so bears that become used to people have to be euthanized by the Rangers. There have been a lot of tourists acting foolishly with our beloved bears lately. The residents of Tennessee are warm gracious and hospitable people but if you mess with our bears you might get a “talking too” like you’ve never experienced! Buy this shirt:  Official part mama bear protective part mama llama calm shirt Official part mama bear protective part mama llama calm shirt

Jameson Irish Whiskey lips shirt

Jameson Irish Whiskey lips shirt, but it cuts into the room for more whiskey. And I take my shots straight from the flask anyway. Mine is always in my pocket in this weather fecking cold well that’s my excuse can’t beat Jameson or a drop of Hyde whiskey. So you think, out of the 8 liquid oz this holds, I’m gonna sacrifice 2 of them so I can use a shot glass? If you wanted to make it more usable as an incognito drinking vessel you should build-in a funnel so I can refill it on the go. Reduce alcohol storage for a leaky shot glass? How about I just drink straight out of the flask; seeing as that’s the whole point. Buy this shirt:   Jameson Irish Whiskey lips shirt Jameson Irish Whiskey lips shirt

Hello darkness my old friend shirt

I know it seems funny but that little prairie dog is obese and Hello darkness my old friend shirt. It grosses me out. Tiffany Walker that’s gonna is us at the end of the day of our Disneyland trip from all the crap we’re gonna eat. Man get over it you big baby that’s right Jr made a mistake like you did when you got rid of Kyrie Irving and Isaiah Thomas because in February when you went on that 16 games winning streak I guess you were telling everybody how good this squad was Y’all come together dressed in suits glasses new handshakes as soon as something gets wrong or goes wrong then you throw your boys under the bus. Buy this shirt:   Hello darkness my old friend shirt Hello darkness my old friend shirt

Gosh being a princess is exhausting shirt

The Gosh being a princess is exhausting shirt. So, in a way, you are preaching to the choir here. The countries with an average of 6 or 8 children don’t lose their sleepover natural resources and all that. The Western world is slowly disappearing, yet they absorb the most guilt and worries about the future of this planet. The problem is everybody wants to live at the beach stacked on top of one another. Thereby importing everything that they consume and use and exporting all their excrement and garbage into rural areas. Large cities nowhere near regional resources are not sustainable. Buy this shirt:   Gosh being a princess is exhausting shirt Gosh being a princess is exhausting shirt

Dog I support putting animal abusers to sleep shirt

The dog I support putting animal abusers to sleep shirt. They are not processed and stored in the liver, the body literally pees them out at the end of every day and they only alter the brain chemistry when you’re on them. There is no indication that the brain’s chemistry is forever altered. I take them only when needed, for example on a day of an important job interview, or when taking an exam and other times when I absolutely need to focus. Some of my friend’s children take them only Monday through Friday while in school and not at all on the weekends. The meds are really quite benign. You brought a 56-year-old man to tears. Finally, someone knows how to explain what I couldn’t. Buy this shirt:   Dog I support putting animal abusers to sleep shirt Dog I support putting animal abusers to sleep shirt

Donald Trump try to smash this shirt

Donald Trump try to smash this shirt, violating campaign finance laws, tax evasion, money laundering, and obstruction of justice. George Thomas Bush it is called hearsay and it’s not admissible because people lie. Get your money back for your law degree, hon. People are forgetting that Montfort was locked up before he was convicted of anything. So watch and learn how the big boys play. I smell a big lawsuit coming. Look at all the liberals on here commenting and tooting their horns on a conviction that had nothing to do with Russian collusion tied to the Trump campaign. Buy this shirt:  Donald Trump try to smash this shirt or:  Donald Trump try to smash this shirt

Minnesota Vikings lips shirt

Minnesota Vikings lips shirt. Great decisions, great throws. The kid really caught me off guard. I know everyone is cheering Heinicke cuz of that two-point conversion but Keenum has been the guy making things happen. Lost the game in the later part of the 2nd half, just like last season but with the difference, they fought all the way and looked pretty good. Keep going Niners and this season will be much more pleasant than the previous ones. It’s alright that we lost with 1 sec left on the clock with our 3 stringers in. Saw a lot of positive things from them that gave me some hope for this year! Buy this shirt:  Minnesota Vikings lips shirt or:  Minnesota Vikings lips shirt

Lord of Darkness shirt

Lord of Darkness shirt. I a short time ago I had a fluffy white lady. She was so sweet. My Neighbor killed her. Why? The only reason I can come up with. He is an unhappy Jackass that wants and likes taking air and happiness away from any and all that crosses his path. Here’s my thought: maybe if he had some clothes, he might be more amenable. You know, a suit made of gold, maybe something with “diamonds”, or fur. I think that cat is mad maybe they should give him or her a bat. Mae is having a bad day. Where does she get her disguises? Buy this shirt : Lord of Darkness shirt or: : Lord of Darkness shirt

Donald Trump try to smash this shirt

Donald Trump try to smash this shirt, violating campaign finance laws, tax evasion, money laundering, and obstruction of justice. George Thomas Bush it is called hearsay and it’s not admissible because people lie. Get your money back for your law degree, hon. People are forgetting that Montfort was locked up before he was convicted of anything. So watch and learn how the big boys play. I smell a big lawsuit coming. Look at all the liberals on here commenting and tooting their horns on a conviction that had nothing to do with Russian collusion tied to the Trump campaign. Buy this shirt:  Donald Trump try to smash this shirt

You can’t scare me I’m a mother shirt

You can’t scare me I’m a mother shirt or conservative its truth. Just because it doesn’t align with your ideals doesn’t mean it’s not true. You can say the grass is purple all you want it doesn’t change the fact that its green. All the people that are negative about it, I’d bet you would step up if it was you’re a kid. He is a true man and put the baby first. The system used by the man in this story is the same system used by mothers who are trying to encourage their newborns to feed on the breast. What is the harm? Is it simply “disgusting” because the delivery system is attached to a man? This family is lucky to have such an involved and dedicated father and husband. Buy this shirt:  You can’t scare me I’m a mother shirt or:  You can’t scare me I’m a mother shirt

If you woke up thinking you wanna start shit with me shirt

If you woke up thinking you wanna start shit with me shirt. I used to be a very disciplined person, being neat and tidy to the point of being labeled OCD. Now, I can not think of one thing I do well. I feel so ashamed. I think I am going to get up and change myself for the better right now! God, what would happen to our lives if we could do just one of these things. I want to try! What a blessing, I listened to this five times, and it gets sweeter each time. Let’s do something positive. This is what I would call a true leader! Listening to him makes you want to be a better person. Strength in diversity and power of teamwork. All of us can strive to be a better person Buy this shirt:  If you woke up thinking you wanna start shit with me shirt ỏ:  If you woke up thinking you wanna start shit with me shirt

It’s just a bunch of hocus pocus shirt

It’s just a bunch of hocus pocus shirt. I’ve never really heard anyone talk about it till these last few months. It’s funny how a film like this, that didn’t make a huge cultural impact, all of sudden is popular 25 years later. I guess my generation loves to embrace even the mundane parts of pop culture from their childhood. I didn’t know after all this time of watching NCIS that Sean Murray was in hocus pocus. Meet Winifred Sanderson. She is a 2-year-old rescued tripod cat and experiences utter disgust at us lowly humans on a daily basis. Except for this one second of pure laser pointer bliss. Buy this shirt:  It’s just a bunch of hocus pocus shirt ỏ:  It’s just a bunch of hocus pocus shirt

 I’m too old to wonder if Kiki loves me shirt

Good song and it’s cool you got a lady doing sign language in the I’m too old to wonder if Kiki loves me shirt. Devvon sings good, there’s no question. But I feel like he could be better, he could give his songs more dynamic. Change it up a bit more. All his songs sound very similar in my opinion. But all in all, he’s a good singer. Can you please do a whole song!? You make me fall in love with your flow and lyrics! And it makes me so facking mad that its just 1 facking minute when you upload. Yep, not even you can help this song come back to life for me. It died for everyone one on my newsfeed doing this dance. Buy this shirt:  I’m too old to wonder if Kiki loves me shirt ỏr:   I’m too old to wonder if Kiki loves me shirt

Mimi because grandmother is for old ladies shirt

Mimi because grandmother is for old ladies shirt, but every time she told Alexa to do something, she got up and walked across the room so she could speak directly at the device. Watch out who your hero is. Googoo failed. Googoo was eagerly and kindly asked to play an Italian song and it did not provide any. Google is hard to pronounce in many foreign languages, which makes the thing difficult or frustrating to use for them. I live in Quebec where many French speakers pronounce google: google or goo-gueule. The latter has no equivalent in English. It’s funny watching them just trying to get the thing to listen to them. Buy this shirt:  Mimi because grandmother is for old ladies shirt ỏ:  Mimi because grandmother is for old ladies shirt

I’m not a trouble maker I just take after my crazy mommy shirt

An I’m not a trouble maker I just take after my crazy mommy shirt. Not all, but a good majority still fuckin the baby momma they can’t stand. Well, I promised myself I would unlike the page if I ever heard this retard again goodbye everybody. This is by far the dumbest thing you guys have ever posted. This dude really is annoying. He needs to be punched in the mouth over and over so he can’t talk anymore. It sounds like he’s talking to Andy Milonakis or whatever his name is lol the chubby kid that done some work with chief keef. Casey Guderian the first mom is pretty funny, the second is meh so you aren’t missing out on anything. Buy this shirt:  I’m not a trouble maker I just take after my crazy mommy shirt or:  I’m not a trouble maker I just take after my crazy mommy shirt

Flower I was born to be a hairstylist to hold shirt

I know they were going for a Flower I was born to be a hairstylist to hold shirt. Like she worships Bob Marley. He is a great singer though. But next time when you want a rainbow. Michaela Nicole Macallister you don’t know me too well. I don’t mess with chemicals when it comes to my hair. I am grey free at 54 for a reason! Very cute! Plus, it’s her head, if she likes it she should go for it, anyone that doesn’t like it doesn’t have to look. She’s able to pull this look only because she’s beautiful if anyone else would do that they’re gonna look like a joker. The amount of talent to make that and make it look good is commendable and she has every right to look however she wants. Buy this shirt:  Flower I was born to be a hairstylist to hold shirt ỏ:  Flower I was born to be a hairstylist to hold shirt

You can’t scare me I’m a teacher shirt

In the You can’t scare me I’m a teacher shirt and scare the crap out of you and therefore imprint an absolute fear and dread for anything mathematical for the rest of your adult life. If your maths teacher didn’t horrify you and zap any joy out of the subject you are incredibly lucky. Many people misunderstand that Chinese is good at maths because they are forced to do so. Indeed, Many of them are good at it because they love it. Just look at you and I see the sheer joy of doing something that makes you feel really good, which I have never experienced with mathematics. Buy this shirt:  You can’t scare me I’m a teacher shirt ỏ:  You can’t scare me I’m a teacher shirt

Michigan Wolverines all summer long she was a sweet southern lady shirt

How can you play a Michigan Wolverines all summer long she was a sweet southern lady shirt. When was the last time Matthews fouled out? When was the last time Wagner got a technical foul? When was the last time Michigan had 20 or more fouls in a game? If I went to the Final and paid that much money out to watch it and it was called that I would be going off. It was really convenient how the fouls were called. The good thing is Michigan showed all the doubters that they can play ball and make it to the final Go Blue! Hold them heads up high young fellas, you can tell this team works hard and plays with emotion. And they love the coach and he loves them. I know it’s hard right now to swallow. But you did Michigan proudly. Buy this shirt:  Michigan Wolverines all summer long she was a sweet southern lady shirt or:  Michigan Wolverines all summer long she was a sweet southern lady shirt

5 things You should know about my Smartass Daughter shirt

It’s only unfortunate that 5 things You should know about my Smartass Daughter shirt. If wages were where they should be and companies valued their Human Resources he’d only need one job and it would include benefits. She will never forget this moment and it will not be about the dress or how much it cost but about the sacrifice that her dad made to make her wish come true. Great job dad! Wanting to do something special for your kids, knowing how much it would mean to them. I relate to that. After 2 layoffs and a move, that’s all I find available at my age. My kids will always have everything they need. Buy this shirt:  5 things You should know about my Smartass Daughter shirt 5 things You should know about my Smartass Daughter shirt

There are two types of people in this world shirt

There are two types of people in this world shirt, I do this sitting at my computer when I am working. I am typing my fingers to the bone dancing and singing with headphones on LMFAO because my 19 yr old son will come out his bedroom and say do you know what you sound like mom singing with headphones I was like yes beautiful he said uh no and good night. I love my son he will tell it like it his he is his momma’s boy. But i am sure people that drive next to me get a funny site depending on what music I am listening to. TY For sharing this. We all need a good laugh at times. Buy this shirt:  There are two types of people in this world shirt or:  There are two types of people in this world shirt

I’m a simple woman I like sunshine coffee and dogs shirt

I’m a simple woman I like sunshine coffee and dogs shirt. Fill half the mug with whiskey. Pour in the coffee. Don’t bother with sugar, sure whiskey is made with sugar. Don’t bother with the cream, its bad for you. You don’t really need the coffee either as it fecks up the taste of the whiskey. Every time we had Irish coffee in an English restaurant. They seemed to cock it all up and it makes my dad furious. That’s was 25 years ago. Every time my sister and I go out, we dare suggest ordering Irish coffee with the family. You should not put the sugar in until the hot coffee is in the glass. The sugar crystallizes if added to the whiskey. Buy this shirt:  I’m a simple woman I like sunshine coffee and dogs shirt Home: Click:

Pumpkin spice leggings and hoodies oh my shirt

I remember going with you to get one ofPumpkin spice leggings and hoodies oh my shirtand I always loved them. But then you filled me in on all the chemicals they have and since then I haven’t had one. Love the pumpkin costume. Now I will have to run out and get me a pumpkin spice latte. They are so yummy delicious. I don’t get this excited about the latter as much as the fact that you might come home one day to me in a pumpkin costume for no reason. It’s only outfalling thru Christmas. And funny I was at target last weekend which as I walked past the Starbucks it was like a neon sign sticking out it was back. So, of course, I had to have one. I don’t even like pumpkin spice lattes but this video seriously made my day. I laughed way too hard at the ending. Buy this shirt:  Pumpkin spice leggings and hoodies oh my shirt Home:

Official Faith cross shirt

When you’re in a serious relationship or Official Faith cross shirt and forth with the opposite sex with someone that your partner doesn’t know about. It could easily build into something more than texting. Woman cheat, too so it goes both ways. I never hide my phone from my boyfriend, its always laying out in the open at home, even in the car, and I always show or tell him about the text. Never keep secrets from your partner! It could destroy an otherwise great thing! This may be relevant if you aren’t in a relationship with a narcissist who is guilty of cheating yet shamed and blames you for their infidelity. Try to talk to them about your insecurities and suspicions and they make you feel horrible for not trusting them. Buy this shirt:  Official Faith cross shirt Home:

Birthplace Earth race human politics freedom religion love shirt

Birthplace Earth race human politics freedom religion love shirt. I believe our faith should be involved in every facet of our lives but I also believe it should be a personal choice and not dependent or forced on anyone who has not yet arrived at their own determination of faith. Then they need to lose their tax exempt status. If it is that important to talk about politics in church then this should not be an issue for religious institutions to pay taxes. Maybe that’s the real agenda to eventually get churches to pay taxes. He is a slick one now just think how much the mega churches would have to pay and all those pastors having to settle for Mercedes instead of Rolls Royces. Buy this shirt:  Birthplace Earth race human politics freedom religion love shirt Home:

Sanderson bed and breakfast children say free Salem shirt

Sanderson bed and breakfast children say free Salem shirt. Most ethical elephant sanctuaries do not let tourists interact with the babies this way. To domesticate elephants, there is torture involved called the crushing where 40 percent of the babies die. Not saying this one is that, but please be mindful about sharing videos without knowing the source. Check out Elephant Nature Park, a sanctuary for abused else mostly from the tourism industry. It is amazing! Please don’t share and endorse these videos promoting animal cruelty – who knows the horrors these poor animals have endured to provide human amusement – note that guard is very quick to move in at one point. This lady is actually really lucky when I was in Africa and was around a baby elephant similar in size. Buy this shirt: Home:

Supernatural August girl hated by many loved by plenty shirt

Dean is my favorite character and Jensen is one of Supernatural August girl hated by many loved by plenty shirt. He has gotten darker as seasons gone on but he has his moments where he cracks me up. And there are so much more where he is funny that this video just doesn’t capture. Like the episode where he can talk to dogs or the “fight the fairies” line. Oh, the episode called, “The French Mistake” where Dean and Sam go to an alternate universe. Or the episode in season 12 where Dean kills Hitler and he says with a huge smile.  Dean is telling the truth he is adorable lol and I loved the part when he pulls down his pants and goes pudding. Buy this shirt: Home:

Hippie peace sunflower love and dogs shirt

There must be millions of Hippie peace sunflower love and dogs shirt and the birds will have their share later.  My friend bought me a bunch of them and yellow roses yesterday beautiful for my birthday.  My Sunflower grows out a gap in my path the bird seed I put out had sunflower seeds in. There’s something so cheerful about sunflowers, especially a field full of them. I mean it is not that close to your parents, but still gorgeous! A field of sunflower seeds was just planted here in our area in honor of a young girl who died of cancer a few years a few years ago, saw the field last year and can’t wait to see the field this year, very colorful and so pretty. Buy this shirt:  Hippie peace sunflower love and dogs shirt Home:

Future ladies man current mamas boy shirt

Need Future ladies man current mamas boy shirt and I used to find her hilarious. Just being honest. Not funny anymore. Not realistic at all just seems rehearsed and the laughter in the background makes it worse. Her videos are cute but at the same time my heart hurts for her.she’s so grown up for a little person why fill her world with your adult issues and these expectations for her to, perform like this on camera ..just let her be a little girl for awhile childhood should be innocent. Going to California to be on The Ellen Show? Because that needs to happen immediately. Follow your dreams but I have to agree as for social media along with the other 4 yr old twin lil girl. Buy this shirt:  Future ladies man current mamas boy shirt Home:

My guinea pig and I talk shirt about you shirt

My guinea pig and I talk shirt about you shirt. They can turn at any moment and are not to be trusted. My daughter went to pick up her little girls at their friend’s house. They had a family dog, pit bull, locked inside a cage who started barking when my daughter went into that home. The owner thought that the dog would stop barking if she let it out of the cage. After she did that, it lunged for my daughter’s hand and had it like a vice, in its mouth. As she was screaming, her 2 little girls ran into the lady’s bathroom to hide, they were so scared! After several very long minutes somehow the owner got that dog to let go of her hand. Buy this shirt:  My guinea pig and I talk shirt about you shirt Home:

Official Trump 45 shirt

Official Trum 45 shirt and more prosperous by meeting other top-ranking leaders of other countries, even rogue countries, and he’s doing it all alone with no apparent help from turncoat Republicans and treasonous liberal Democrats. The one solid thing he can rely on is us! Loyal Americans! Julie Horton Haase, which god Allah Vishnu Shiva Poseidon Buddha Odin the Flying Spaghetti Monster? This was a very good news conference. This President is taking the right approach by constantly reaching out to world leaders. He is doing a great job of establishing good relationships while making our goals and expectations clear going forward. Buy this shirt:  Official Trump 45 shirt Home:

Shut up or knuckle up shirt

Shut up or knuckle up shirt and I’m annoyed that I sat through this clip trying to learn how to cope and it gave me zero answers to the science behind it triggered, yes. Great idea, Great for those who already know TouchTyping and for typing messages on smartphones. Sometimes they were. But really when you were the one to get up to sharpen your pencil, especially during a test, you were the center of attention as you were grinding away. Nope, not done. Grind grind grind. Check. Nope. grind grind grind. Check. Damn too far.. it broke. I somewhat miss the satisfying feeling of a good quality pencil to ensure that perfect sharp that only took 25 rotations. Buy this shirt:  Shut up or knuckle up shirt Home:

Peppa Pig Gucci shirt

The Peppa Pig Gucci shirt. Amy the perfect style for when I wanna look like I can afford Gucci, but I can only afford tape. Amelia asked for a Gucci sweatshirt for winning the golden pencil in Latin class. My shallow and funny interpretation is like this. Harry invested so much in his outfit. He bought a Gucci robe, tuxedo and shoes that cost like thousands of dollars. On his way home, he felt so hungry but he has no money left so when he saw a live chicken, he caught it and decided to trade it with some snacks at a Fish and Chips shop. Buy this shirt:  Peppa Pig Gucci shirt Home:

Cow crazy heifer shirt

They should have had Isaiah Carey doing the Cow crazy heifer shirt. She heard that Houston Rodeo was going on and was trying to find her way to Reliant to pick out the bulls. They are beautiful, they are happy, they are well fed, they give the best milk and the sound of their bells is the sweetest memory of my youth! This is the way animals should be treated! Very much like the Swiss customs upon the ascent into the Alpine grazing meadows in late May, and then upon the descent in late September. French Cow Farts is the Number 1 cause of Global Climate Change according to Studies on Climate Change. Buy this shirt:  Cow crazy heifer shirt Home:

Armed and hammered the standard of impurity shirt

I have always had trouble with litter sticking to the Armed and hammered the standard of impurity shirt. I have 3 cats so the box is used often, to say the least. Finally, a litter that works! It was always such a chore to scoop the box and now with Slide, it’s so much easier! Love it! I love it when they’re so tiny. I’ve bottle fed two different litters that were found last two years outside. One group ended up adopted and this last time I kept her. Named her Wicket we just couldn’t part with our little forest creature we found in the garden. Week 3 for me and my beasties, and it seems to be working just fine. I will say I do not use your typical littler box. Buy this shirt:  Armed and hammered the standard of impurity shirt Home:

Part mama bear protective part mama llama calm and chill shirt

love Part mama bear protective part mama llama calm and chill shirt, I didn’t read all of these comments but please do acknowledge that Anne Dewdney, the author of the “Llama, Llama” children’s book series died of cancer in September 2016. Ok, so when’s the children’s album coming out with all the Llama Llama books being read like this? Great way for kids to dance off their bedtime energy with their fave stories! Someone needs to do an album of children’s books like this! Us parents get so tired of reading the same old books to our kids, and this would be such a fun twist! I can’t even tell how many times I’ve read this book to my classroom kiddos. Never quite with that much rhythm though. This is so awesome! Buy this shirt:  Part mama bear protective part mama llama calm and chill shirt Home:

Encouraging teacher friend inspiring motivates leader advisor mentor educator shirt

Encouraging teacher friend inspiring motivates leader advisor mentor educator shirt, she’s worse off than her anxious students. Standards testing assess the learning progress of the students. They aren’t meant to “define the person” only measure the educational process. A measure of anxiety is normal, as is stress. She should be teaching coping skills instead of teaching kids to think like victims. I think maybe she has a mental disorder manifest in her insistence of a problem that she imagines more than actually exists. This is what happens when you let politicians who know nothing about the education system run the education system in this country. Buy this shirt:  Encouraging teacher friend inspiring motivates leader advisor mentor educator shirt Home:

Sorry I wasnt listening I was thinking about Whataburger shirt

Y’all should’ve got the Sorry I wasnt listening I was thinking about Whataburger shirt. Makes it a million times better. I’ve had fast food all over the country and other then Swensons in NE Ohio Watta is the best. So disappointed they didn’t get a honey BBQ chicken strip sandwich with gravy. Even more disappointed in the Texans who didn’t mention it. Don’t you know that you can customize your burger there? I get mine with mayo because I hate mustard. Also, I agree that the honey butter chicken biscuits are amazing! My husband is from Texas, and we usually eat there at least 3 times when we go to San Antonio for Christmas. Buy this shirt:  Sorry I wasnt listening I was thinking about Whataburger shirt Home:

I try to be good but I take after my Husband shirt

I try to be good but I take after my Husband shirt. My dad does my mum’s toes for her and dyes her hair x He also reads through women’s magazines to get ideas for gifts to buy her. They dance to their favorite song when they hear it on the radio even at the supermarket! And when mum takes her wedding ring off to do housework or gardening she doesn’t put it back on my dad does he quietly proposes to her and puts it back on her finger. A beautiful love story.. and probably why I’m still single! What on earth does the lady need makeup for? You can’t disguise old age, makeup just emphasizes it. Grow old gracefully is my motto. Buy this shirt:  I try to be good but I take after my Husband shirt Home:

Aint a man alive that could take my husbands place shirt

Aint a man alive that could take my husbands place shirt and he got together and had those kids and become an American citizen. So quit your crying it’s all your doing. Become an American citizen first. Do the paperwork first. You clearly don’t know the laws of the country you profess to love or how long these processes take. Grow a heart. If you get happy by this women’s pain you don’t have Jesus in your heart. Read the new testament it will open your eyes and heart. God bless you all and God forgive them because they don’t know what they do and say. We have a social contract, within that contract you agree to behave in a way that is best for the community. Not being prepared to have children is child abuse. Having kids isn’t a right, it’s a privilege. Buy this shirt:  Aint a man alive that could take my husbands place shirt Home:

Rules for dating my nephew 1 I make the rules shirt

Rules for dating my nephew 1 I make the rules shirt, he’s homesick, struggling with the language barrier and considering returning home to the UK. I don’t want him to regret his decision but also he is unhappy any advice, please? I like to teach other people about financial education and I used already a video made by you. So feel free to visit and join the discussion about financial education by my facebook profile. Well in school I keep myself motivated by ma remembrance of where am coming to where am going to. And in class ma motivation is looking for a reason to like each and every of the ma teachers. Buy this shirt:  Rules for dating my nephew 1 I make the rules shirt Home:

Sorry I wasnt listening I was thinking about Pork roll shirt

I’m an Australian and Sorry I wasnt listening I was thinking about Pork roll shirt. You all can argue whether that makes it Hawaiian or not if you like. I’m just going to enjoy a good recipe idea. I appreciate the kind folks who share their recipes! Im going to try this whilst wearing a hula skirt and coconut shell bra and listening to Don Ho. Im sure it’s delicious! Hasn’t your parents told you “if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all” it’s called respect! Nobody wants your negative opinion. Just saying! I enjoy these recipes and if I don’t like the one I scroll on past. I keep my opinion to myself someone else might like it. Be respectful! Buy this shirt:  Sorry I wasnt listening I was thinking about Pork roll shirt Home:

Rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt

Rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt, for pre and post op appendectomy. After being given morphine and still being in pain. I couldn’t imagine actually searching for it. I know it’s abused, as are other opiates, I just personally would prefer to never take it again. Unfortunately, that’s also an issue with the system. I’m glad that you did receive such a wonderful ED experience. It is always a good idea to keep a paper copy of your medical records, just in case. I’ve enjoyed hearing your story and I wish you luck in your future endeavors. I had a patient tell me the only thing they weren’t allergic to was Dilaudid. Buy this shirt:  Rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt Home:

I love being a Meme shirt

I love being a Meme shirt! And everyone has been slating Josh for his decision and no doubt he will be in the bottom today because of her. Now she’s cracked on with her ‘bestie’s’ man. I’d love to know who people thought she should pick to go on a date? They are all coupled up with someone other than Wes. Whoever she had picked it would have upset someone. She picked Sam who was in the least stable couple, I don’t know who else she could have picked that wouldn’t have caused some sort of animosity? I feel like Laura behaved a bit childish by keep speaking over her. Buy this shirt:  I love being a Meme shirt Home:

Im a good dental hygienist I just cuss a lot shirt

Im a good dental hygienist I just cuss a lot shirt, but am I the only one who is weirded out by the fact that my dentist wants me to swallow the spit that has accumulated all the nastiness that was in my teeth. I’ve never had a bad dentist. I get anxiety about plenty of things, but is it really that common to get freaked out about this? Seems like there are SO many worse things in life. I have all 4 of my wisdom teeth. Have seen at least 3 dentists since they came out. And no one told me to remove them. When I inquired they said it wasn’t needed. Unless I wanted to yank them out just to risk fewer cavities since it’s a harder place to.reach with a brush. Buy this shirt:  Im a good dental hygienist I just cuss a lot shirt Home:

I can’t decide if I want to look like a snack or eat one shirt

I can’t decide if I want to look like a snack or eat one shirt and will be having a go but will be adding a touch of melted chocolate to the coffee layer which will bring out the coffee flavor better! What if you guys did a recipe that didn’t have gelatin in it just to shake things up? Thanks for your inquiry. Our prices often change due to promotions and discounts. You check our current prices thru the link below. How do you mount them? I bought 12 and there are no holes to mount and the back has a rib on them. Recommendations, please! You can use double-sided acrylic tape or velcro to place them in different places. Buy this shirt:  I can’t decide if I want to look like a snack or eat one shirt Home:

Let the beat drop shirt

Let the beat drop shirt, you’re so cool you and your brother Rk inspired me to continue dancing and don’t be shy because if you love something don’t be shy keep up the good work guys more subscribers for you love you guys. Watching you grow up, make us happy, and thanks for your brother also, for so much kindness, so much love, honestly, watching your videos, I always pray to get a younger sister, like this. Can we just talk for a minute about your hair? Seriously some of the most gorgeous hair on the planet. Me every day when I do put my earphones. Buy this shirt:  Let the beat drop shirt Home: